How Healthy is your Home Loan?
Your circumstances can change, meaning your home loan may be less suitable than it was originally. Undergoing a home loan health check can reveal if you are paying too much.
You should get your home loan checked at least once a year or when your circumstances change.
It doesn’t take long; your broker can do a loan health check in person or over the phone. We will take the stress out of it for you to ensure your loan is still competitive and suitable to your needs.
What do you want checked?
When contacting your broker be aware of what you would like checked. Some things to consider when discussing with your broker:
Is my interest rate unreasonably high?
What are rates doing now?
Are my fees high?
What loan features am I receiving?
Do I still need these features?
Am I happy with the service from my bank?
Have my financial circumstances changed?
What are you waiting for? A home loan health check will cost you nothing and could save you hundreds.